Freelance Work for Collections Care Professionals
Professionals with the Art Handler Network work on their own schedule. We extensively screen for the quality of your work, character, and communication. Organizations such as museums, storage facilities, shipping companies, and more can connect with fully insured, pre-screened art handlers, preparators, mountmakers, drivers, and registrars in the cities and locations where they want their services.
We need the following professionals across the United States
Art Handlers/Preps/Techs*
Registrars/Collections Managers
*Art handlers must have their own basic tools including:
Tape measure
Knife/Box cutter
2' level
Gloves (cotton/nitrile)

Register as a Professional
Art handlers work with other industry professionals to handle and care for high-value objects in an appropriate and safe manner.
Work as an Art Handler for exclusive clients
Work on your schedule, connect with Museums, Art Handling & Shipping Companies, Private Collections, Galleries, and other related businesses.
Join the nation-wide network
For other questions, contact us directly.
To hire a professional, please request one directly.